What is knee osteoarthritis (OA)?

OA is a common condition that causes joints—such as the knee—to become stiff and painful. If you have been diagnosed with knee OA, you are among the 14 million Americans living with this condition.3

How knee OA develops

In a healthy knee, smooth cartilage covers and protects the ends of bones in the joint, allowing them to glide smoothly as you move.4

In a knee with OA, cartilage that acts as a cushion between bones breaks down [ ]5

The joint space narrows, which may cause bones to rub together [ ]5

The thick, slippery fluid (synovial fluid) that lubricates and reduces friction in the knee becomes thin and less effective6

When the knee is affected by OA, it may no longer function smoothly and can result in pain and stiffness.

Causes and symptoms7

There are many things that can contribute to getting knee OA. Age: The risk of developing knee OA increases with age. Family History: For some people a family history of knee OA may increase your risk. Overuse: Using the joint over and over in a job or sport can result in knee OA. Weight: Extra pounds put more stress on the knee joint. Gender: Women are more likely to develop knee OA than men. Injury: An injury to the knee joint can increase your chances of knee OA later in life.
If you have one or more of these symptoms you may have knee OA. Aches and pains in the knee joint, especially with motion. Stiffness in the knee joint, especially in the morning or after resting. “Grating” or “scraping” feeling on movement of the knee joint. Limited range of motion. Clicking or cracking sound when bending knee. Muscle weakness or buckling (knee gives out).

If you think you may have knee OA pain, talk to your doctor.
The sooner you speak with your doctor, the sooner you can begin treating your pain.

Treatment options for knee OA

If you have knee osteoarthritis, your doctor may recommend exercise and weight loss to help reduce knee pain and stiffness.8 Exercises that strengthen muscles and improve stamina may be most effective.7 You should avoid activities that cause excess pain in your joints.2

Another option to relieve your knee pain is drug therapy such as non-prescription pain relievers (like acetaminophen) or drugs that reduce inflammation, including ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen, or prescription medication such as narcotics. If these options do not work well enough, other treatments that may be considered include knee injections with a corticosteroid (cortisone) or a hyaluronate (like TRILURON®) or surgery.2

Treatment with TRILURON®

TRILURON® is used to relieve knee pain due to osteoarthritis for people who do not get enough relief from simple pain medications (e.g., acetaminophen), exercise, and physical therapy. A clinical study has shown that TRILURON® is an effective treatment option for patients with knee OA pain.1

When should you not take TRILURON®

You should not take this product if you have had any previous allergic reaction to TRILURON® or similar material, e.g., hyaluronate products. You should not have an injection into the knee if you have infections or skin diseases around the injection site.2

Talk to your doctor to find out if TRILURON® is right for you.